Here are some tips I found helpful for managing stress in college:
Exercise. All forms of exercise are proven to improve your mood. Try exercising out at the track for a difference in scenery, or try going on a run at the beach, or even for a bike ride! Exercising for 30 minutes a day, three days a week is also proven to significantly keep your energy levels up and allows you to work more efficiently.
Relax. Take time to yourself. Take a bath. Read a book for leisure. Look at a magazine. Go to the beach. Meditate.
Time Management is important. Focus on one task at a time. Keep a calendar or a planner that helps you keep your school work organized. Mark the tasks on your calendar by "most important/must get done" all the way down to "I can finish this tomorrow if need be."
Be realistic. Pulling yourself in different directions will only stress you out, so try not to over-commit yourself or do extracurricular activities when you’re super busy with school.
Don’t turn to drugs and alcohol for support. Some college students drink, do drugs, smoke or engage in other harmful behaviors to try and cope with stress. Now don't get me wrong, this is college and you are going to go out and party I realize this. However, using drugs and alcohol shouldn't be used as a coping mechanism.
Talk to your friends and family for support. If you’re stressed out, talk to your loved ones. Sometimes just talking to someone about your worries can help alleviate them.
"Next time you're stressed, take a step back, inhale and laugh. Remember who you are and why you're here. You're never given anything in this world that you can't handle. Be strong, be flexible, love yourself and love others. Always remember--Just keep moving forward." -Unknown
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