Organization is definitely key in college, however, it can also be difficult to stay organized with such a busy and compact schedule. I came across an app called "iStudiez Pro. This app is for college kids who are looking to successfully manage a full time schedule regarding a their academic life. This app has five separate categories: Overview, assignments, planner, instructors and holidays. Using this app students can include course schedules, plan study sessions, and prioritize assignments according to due dates. This app can also keep tabs on a students GPA, keep them accountable and aware of their academic standing throughout the semester. iStudiez Pro
In addition, another organizational tool that I found was an app called "iProcrastinate". This app allows students to organize to-do lists and tasks by listing the steps it will take to complete them, which in turn makes the projects and task seem more manageable. Users can also set priority levels using this app. This app can also be used for group projects, allowing information for certain tasks to be shared and managed by multiple users. iProcrastinate
Another cool app that I came across was "InClass". This is a free app that aids in learning as a study tool. using this app students can record audio, take text or video notes and create images of slides or handouts given in class. This app would be extremely beneficial in a lecture hall because you could record the lecture while taking notes so you have many study tool come exam time. You are also able to share materials with other students through Facebook and iTunes. Of course, you would want to make sure your professor is okay with you using this type of technology in class before you proceed! inClass
I hope you all take the time to explore a few of these handy, college student friendly, applications and websites! I really think it could help take some of the stress off of your academic lives!
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