Monday, April 13, 2015

Oh Netflix

To be completely honest, Netflix is a college students best friend and worst enemy at the same time. Nothing can derail studying and homework, among other things, quite like a Netflix binge session. Sometimes I find myself watching a TV series on Neflix until 2:00 a.m. (when I was planning on being asleep around 11:00 p.m.) Don't worry, if you suffer from 'binge Netflixing' you are not alone.A (not so surprising) 68 percent of college students admit to having watched a television series on Neflix at least once during their college career, according to a study done by Geoffrey Graybeal, a professor in communications at Texas Tech Unviversity.

I mean come on, when it comes to watching multiple episodes of your favorite show, or start your homework... of course watching TV is going to win at that battle. I mean it couldn't get any simpler, all you have to do is press the play button and the series will continue to play until you either hit the pause button or close your computer. Netflix has implemented and 'auto-play feature' which allows for the series to continually play. This is probably why Netflix is such a harmful procrastination technique, because unlike doing laundry or reorganizing your sock drawer, you have very little maintenance in watching Netflix.

Although I do admit, sometimes I get caught in this rut, it is not a good habit to get into. College students struggle to juggle their schedules as it is, however when Netflix is added into the equation, the 'not enough time in one day' struggle becomes even greater. There is a reason that TV shows come on once a week. They only take up one hour of your day once a week, rather than five hours that could be used doing more productive things. 

My advice to you: If you are a Netflix fanatic, giving up your Netflix shows may not be an option. However, I just suggest that you put your school and social life before your binge watching. Make sure all of your school work is done, and then maybe on Sunday afternoon after you've been with your friends all weekend, open your laptop and watch a few episodes of your favorite series!

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