Monday, October 19, 2015


I think most of you can agree that we have reached that time in the semester where it seems like all you are doing is homework and studying and stressing about the next quickly approaching midterm...

Lately I have been dedicating so much time to studying and class work that I barely have time to eat let alone do anything else. And in addition, I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in a while due to all of the grueling hours I have spent on homework lately.

Now I know that pulling an all-nighter definitely isn't the healthiest thing for anyone, however, we are in college and puling off a few all-nighters is going to be inevitable so I've decided to share with you a few things I do when I realize that I have way to  much homework piled up to get any sleep.

Numero Uno:
Prep your environment-
Grab anything you think may be of use to you in the next long hours of studying; this includes chargers! So many times I have forgotten my laptop charger and have gotten to the library to only to realize my computer was at 20% battery--not only does this start your night of terribly and put you in a bad mood when you have to turn around and go back to grab your charger, it also takes away precious time from your night.
If you are staying at home to study, make sure you are in an area with the least distractions as possible. Also, when I am at home studying, I always make sure that I turn all of the lights on and bring out the fans (since I don't have AC) to keep the room well-lit and cool in efforts to help me stay as awake as possible.

If you are doing homework that needs to be done on your computer such as writing an essay or researching over the internet make sure you turn off those little notifications that appear in the upper right hand corner of your computer. If you are constantly seeing that you have a social media notification, you will be so much more likely to click on the tab and deter your study time. While I'm talking about using technology wisely... you can make your phone useful to your study time. Use it to set a few alarms to make sure that you don't dose off. You can also use your phone to play relaxing music so that its not dead quiet while your eyes are fighting to stay open. However, put your phone on airplane mode so that you don't even have to worry about being distracted from the many things on your phone that could help you procrastinate your work... you've already done enough of that....

Fuel properly:
Make sure you have snack. Whether or not you believe it, your body is burning energy by not only using your brain for your homework but by also trying to keep awake. Another must is caffeine. Come on, this is college people. I don't even think I need to say anything about this one. Caffeine is a new food group for college students and is nonnegotiable when it comes to pulling off an all-nighter.

Most importantly remember, that life will go on after this grueling night. Sure you may be tired the next day, but you will have finished your homework, AND you most likely will not have another night like this for quite a while because you will remember how tough it was!

Good luck to everyone who is pushing through midterms right now. YOU CAN DO IT! And remember, if an all-nighter is necessary it is not the end of the world and you will grind through it!

1 comment:

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