Well I'm sure you have all noticed that is it getting quite chilly outside... and you know what that means... a much higher possibility of getting sick. Getting sick during the semester is quite possibly one of the worst things that can happen, but being sick during the last few weeks of class or even finals is just not acceptable. However, although we can take extensive measures to try and stay healthy, sometimes getting sick is inevitable. I'm going to share a few tips about staying healthy throughout these next couple of weeks and also a few tips about what to do if you do end up catching a nasty cold.
Staying healthy:
1) Make sure to drink lots of water and eat balanced meals throughout the day. Fueling your body is extremely important and also helps to keep you from feeling run down which in turn reduces the fact of catching a bug.
2) Check the weather. As I'm sure all of you have figured out, the weather in Santa Barbara can change dramatically, even throughout the course of a day. Make sure you are wearing layers in the morning even though it will most likely get warmer though out the day.
3) GET SLEEP. Your body is much more likely to catch a virus when you are sleep deprived, so try to minimize those all nighters as much as possible so that you don't find yourself in bed for 3 days missing essential class time.
I know all of these tips are mostly common sense, but sometimes these things do get overlooked when we are caught up in all of the studying for finals that occurs during the last couple weeks before christmas break.
Now if you do get sick, fear no more!! SBCC has an incredible health department. I have been to the health office several times, and I have always had such a great experience. The doctors are extremely nice and helpful as well. I went in a couple weeks ago because I was congested and had a sore throat. The doctor took me back even earlier than my scheduled appointment and I walked out with not only a prescription, but a little goodie bag of cough drops and pamphlets on how to stay healthy during the school year. My advice to you would be to utilize the health office as much as possible, it is included in your tuition, so just do it.
Call 965-0581 x2298 to make an appointment or
stop by Student Health SS-170