This story was actually very interesting to me. I'm not going to lie, I've looked at pictures of 'insta-famous' models and have wished to some degree or another that I had the lifestyle they did, and I think most girls our age can agree that they have done the same. However, since reading about Essena's effort to stop the unrealistic portrayal of life through social media, I've realized that this lifestyle that so many people want to obtain, just simply does not exist. Essena stated that she was completely consumed by being insta-famous. She would constantly be focused on checking her instagram to see the amount of likes her pictures were acquiring. She was obsessed with taking the 'perfect picture'. She would pay people to take excessive amounts pictures of her to make it seem as if she was living life in the moment and just happened to catch the perfect picture-when in reality she spent long hours at photo shoots and many days not eating to maintain what society portrays as the perfect body.
This story just really opened up my eyes and in a way changed my views on social media completely. You could be having the worst day ever, and post a picture of you staged at the beach and give off the portrayal that your life is absolutely amazing. I've realized that I would much rather call up a friend, let them know I'm having a bad day and vent, rather than post a picture and hope that the amount of likes I get will make me feel better about my self, or my day..whatever it may be. I hope this article changed your view as well, because we deserve to be actually living life and not worrying about what other people views upon ourselves are. As Essena implied, go out and enjoy life through the real world; there are so many beautiful things to see, and so many great things to do, stop hiding behind a computer, or phone screen and LIVE LIFE.
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