What I'm getting at here is that it is so important to find something that you love to do; and I am most definitely not talking about going out and partying or watching tv/socializing through your cellular device. It is so nice to have something to occupy your time that doesn't involve homework or staring at a screen. I use my camera as a kind of therapy to get my mind off of all the busy stressors that college life brings on. I also find that it is so nice to spend some time alone, especially if you have roommates and you are constantly around other people all day.
If you ever find yourself way too caught up in the expected college lifestyle, take a step back and remember that although school is important, so is your health and the sanity of your mind. And the only way you can have a healthy self is to ensure that you have balance in your life. Yes, you need to get your homework done, and yes you can go out and party and have a social life and yes, I know you might have a job and your life is just super crazy; however, even reading over that sentence brings on a little bit of minor stress just thinking about all of the things going on in our busy lives. So do yourself a favor and take some time to find something that you love to do and that sets your mind free, even if it is just a couple times a week for an hour! Trust me your body and mind will greatly appreciate it and you will definitely start to see the benefits of your more productive, less stuck in a rut self!
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