Friday, November 27, 2015

Going Home is Bittersweet

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving and a great time visiting with their friends and family! I had a great holiday as well as a relaxing couple of days at home spending time with my family.

The Santa Barbara Fam
You know, it's definitely a bittersweet thing...being back home that is. It's so weird because almost everyone is home from school to celebrate the holidays with their families, yet when you take a step back and look at things, everything is so different. You might not even see the friends you were so close with because everyone is trying to spend time with their families before heading back to college. Priorities are different and I think that's something that I have been noting a lot lately. During your first year in college you are essentially still a baby. You look forward to going home and seeing all of your friends, sharing all of your crazy college stories and hanging 24/7. However, this year I have noticed a change. When I go home, I spend a few days with my family, hanging out and catching up and then I'm ready to head back to Santa Barbara to get back into the swing of things. It is such a weird thing to realize, that my life is now in Santa Barbara. All of my friends are here now and not back at home. Sure there are still friends I love to spend time with back in Bakersfield, but as time goes on you realize that even your closest of friends drift away in some ways, mostly because everyone is going in their separate directions and their own paths of life.

Although this is sort of a sad time in life, it is also such a happy time. I've realized that in order to grow up, this change has to happen. You have to make your life where you are planted. So enjoy your time when you're back at home, but realize that it's okay to want to go back to your new home, your college home.

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