Friday, September 5, 2014

Can you say HOMEWORK?!

So you've survived the first week of college.. Congratulations!! 

Well I know I'm not the only one who has already been drowned with homework. But wow, when they said these college teachers mean business.. Well they weren't kidding. 

I left my very first college class with a good 2 or three hours of homework.. On the very first day! And after leaving my second class of the week I realized that regardless of what college is portrayed to be- with all of the parties and never ending fun-, (if you want to do well and achieve good grades) you are here to study and do homework.

What I've began to figure out this week: 

•Become friends with your professors. They really do want to help! The professors, especially here at sbcc, aren't like the teachers you had in high school. You know, the ones who became teachers solely to have the summers off. No. These professors are here to help you succeed and they will do just that if you put in the effort. ~I scheduled an appointment with my math teacher just to make sure I was caught up with all of the homework he had assigned for the weekend and he ended up giving me 2 extra points on my quiz.. So trust me you are doing yourself a HUGE favor if you show your teachers that you are making an effort.~

•Get your studying done sooner than later. Let's be real, this IS college and no matter how well we want to do in school we are going to save most of our weekends for hanging out with friends and going to parties. So get your homework done quickly after it is assigned. Not only will this help you to not forget the information that was taught, but it will also keep you from pushing your homework off until the weekend. Being realistic, no college kid is going to devote every bit of there weekend to doing all the homework they saved up from the week prior, so just get it done, it will prevent a huge headache on Sunday night. Which leads me to my next tip.

•Begin to form a routine. Now I'm not saying to set aside 4 hours right after you get out of class to create a huge headache for yourself. But set goals. Maybe every Monday after your English class you come home and finish half of your reading log and then it won't be such a hassle when you sit down to do the other half with in the next couple of days. Or go over your math notes right after class so you have mentally prepared for the 105 problems of homework that lie ahead of you.

Study with friends. Make it a social event. -Being social. That's what we are programmed to do in this day and age.- Studying will be less dreadful if you plan to meet your friends at Starbucks. For one, if you make plans with others you are less likely to bail, which means you are less likely to push your homework off. Plus you are getting out of your apartment or dorm; just the change in environment can stimulate your brain for more efficient learning. You will also have your friends there to help you with any problems you might not understand. Studying with a group can be extremely beneficial, especially in college.

If you make the most of your week days and provide yourself with the necessities to get your homework done you will have more time to get your party on during the weekend, just remember that. Let those words be your motivation. 

You can get good grades AND have fun in college with a little motivation, perseverance and dedication.

Happy second week of college!

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