Saturday, September 27, 2014

"Oh really? Cheer isn't a sport?"

I can't tell you how many times I have heard the statement: "Cheer is NOT a sport."

For starters, cheerleaders don't just throw a ball around hoping to hit it over a net, or make it into a goal, end zone, or hoop. We throw people in the air, making sure they land back into their stunt group safely. So now that I've mentioned throwing people in the air- in how many sports do players use every single muscle in their body to rotate their entire body upside down multiple time in a row? Not to mention, cheerleading holds the title for most concussions, even above football. If those reasons alone don't give you a good enough explanation as to why cheer is definitely a sport, I don't know what will.

I feel like sometimes us cheerleaders are overlooked, especially us school cheerleaders. Being a cheerleader, you are mistakenly put into an unfair stereotype. Most people stereotype the schools spirit leaders as dumb, snotty brats. However, I have met some of the most intelligent and  impactful young women through cheerleading.

Cheerleaders put in a lot of unrecognized work. Here at SBCC, we practice seven hours a week, preparing cheers to help get the crowd involved and keep the players pumped up. And unlike football, basketball, tennis, soccer, volleyball and almost any other sport, we cheer all year round. Our "Season" is all year long. We don't get that break during "off-season" like most sports do. We are constantly coming up with new ways to awe the crowd and support our schools sports, while at the same time are perfecting a routine to take to competition.

Cheerleading isn't just about showing up to a game and "looking pretty." Cheerleading is about the relationships that you make with your coaches and team, it's about learning to grow as a team, and about pushing your body to all physical limits; knowing that you can overcome anything with a strong support group and a positive attitude.

We are cheerleaders, and despite the criticism and lack of recognition, WE LOVE WHAT WE DO!

"Athletes lift weights, Cheerleaders lift Athletes."

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