Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Perfect Day Exercise

Something about college that has really taken me by surprise is the fact that I am actually learning things that I can use and things that will help me outside of class.

In personal development we are focusing on finding out our personalities, goals and values. In our workbook, one of the exercises consisted of describing our perfect work day in about 200 words.

My Perfect day of Work:

I would wake-up early, around seven, to have breakfast and begin getting ready for work. I would most likely have some toast with some yogurt-something simple, easy and fast. I would head out the door at around eight-thirty to arrive at work around nine. I would hope that I live close to work. Hopefully arriving a little bit early to the press room, I would visit with a few co-workers before heading over to my desk where I would begin writing my first column of the week for the local newspaper. If I were to finish my column I would submit it to the editor and most likely start brainstorming ideas for my next column. I like to be efficient and use all of the provided work time to get ahead when possible. I would like to have a more of a laid back job-something that wouldn’t emit high amounts of stress, but something with deadlines so I have something to work towards; a goal.

Now you're probably wondering why I have brought this topic up.. Well through this exercise I learned that this assignment wasn't about making up a story or writing a short essay; it was about setting goals for yourself. 

--Visualizing is key to success!-- 

If you set goals for yourself you will have a better chance of succeeding because you can visualize the outcome and have something to work towards!

I highly recommend this type of assignment for every college student. You don't have to sit down and write a page about your life goals, you could simply jot down a few ideals for your future life-or even better, you could keep a journal and update it every month or so with your newly developed goals. It is very important to have goals for your future-these goals will help you stay on track to achieve anything you want with in your lifetime!

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