Sunday, April 19, 2015

Enjoy the Moment

Why were we in such a rush to grow up? 

I remember when I was younger I would always think to myself "I'm so excited to be a big kid". Well now I realize that being a 'big kid' isn't at all what it seemed to be when we were youngsters. Actually, now that I am a 'big kid' I sometimes wish I could go back to being a younger where my biggest worry was a scrape on my knee and whether or not mom was going to let me have ice cream after dinner. Those were the good old days, weren't they? We had not a care in the world and also.. No big 'adult responsibilities..

Although being little was great, being in college and at the age we are at right now definitely has its perks and "I really love being 18" moments too. We are finally able to be independent and we are officially becoming who we really are and finding out new things about ourselves each day. Each phase of life has its ups and downs, but hey thats what makes life so great! 

My main point here is that although we may sometimes wish that we were young again with very little worries, we must enjoy being the age that we are now.. Because in 10 years we are going to look back at our time in college and envy it. 

Growing up is inevitable, but we can choose to live in the moment and experience life as it is. Don't wish the days away because one day you'll look back and wish you'd have really lived instead of always looking beyond to the next phase in life!

Life is a great journey, so put down your phone and stop trying to capture all of the great moments on your snap chat story, and actually take in the moment.. Because for somethings pictures just won't do justice.

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