Monday, September 28, 2015

How to get the most out of a class lecture or discussion:

Lectures are probably my least favorite classes. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you would agree with me. I like to learn in a hand on type of way and lectures are the exact opposite. Because of this, lectures have been of the harder classes for me, so here are a few tips that I have found helpful in getting through a semester of a lecture or discussion course:

1. If you have been given a reading to do before hand, make sure that you read it thoroughly and assimilate it. If you understand the reading and know where to locate specific points in the text, you will better be able to discuss the text and you will also be able to answer any questions that the professor decides to ask you on the spot.

2.  If you have any questions when reading through the text, mark them down and highlight them. The questions may be answered by your professor during the lecture on the piece, but if not you will know what questions to propose to your professor after the class is dismissed.

3. Make sure you have a notebook ready to take notes during the lecture. Also have your text out so that you can highlight the parts of the text that are emphasized by the professor. Making notes on the actual text also makes it easier to study as you go through and re-read the text. All in all, you need to take notes, no matter how you choose to take them. Even though you may think that you will remember most of the information for the test, you most likely wont. You have to remember you have several other classes that your brain is trying to comprehend and remember as well, so just take notes and save your self a big headache and a poor grade.

4. Enter the lecture with an open mind. You may learn something new or have your views on the subject or topic changed or altered in some way. Be ready to learn. Even though you may not be particularly interested in the subject, you have sixteen weeks of this lecture or class so you might as well try and enjoy yourself. If you go in with a positive attitude, you will obtain more knowledge, which, in turn, will result in a better grade, which will result in a happy you.

5.  If you don’t understand something that is being discussed in the lecture… ASK. We have all heard that saying that if you have a question, chances are, there is someone else in the class that has the same question as you do. This is so true, so just ask the questions you have and help out the rest of the class as well!

1 comment:

  1. You wrote:

    "Lectures are probably my least favorite classes. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you would agree with me. I like to learn in a hand on type of way and lectures are the exact opposite. Because of this, lectures have been of the harder classes for me..."
    I have to disagree with you on this one. I prefer the traditional, boring lecture, term paper or other assignments, midterm/ or multiple exams, and final. Unfortunately, for the past 10 or so years, the emphasis is on "attendance, class participation, group discussion/activities", that are mandatory parts of your grade. This was NOT the case in 1995 till 2004 , in most cases--and even prior to 1995.
    Because of this, I rarely take in-person, or very many--at all- SBCC classes. This is not a matter of "stretching one's comfortable barriers", either. This is impossible for me to adapt to. I realize instructors have 'academic freedom' ; however, they refuse to accommodate to the needs of people like me. I do not like "getting into groups" and "group discussion activities" and do not learn from them.
