Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to organize your at home study space

A nicely organized study space can make studying a lot more tolerable! Even though school might not be on our most excitable upcoming events, I think many of us can agree that buying school supplies is very near the top on the list of some of life’s greatest pleasures. Remember back in elementary school when we used to beg our parents to take us to the local office supply store to stock up on binders and colorful folders. The anticipation of having everything that could potentially be needed for an organized and well-stocked school year is still somewhat exciting.
That being said, it is very important to stay organized during college. After all, you are here to learn! Staying on top of things will give you so much more free time and minimize those ever so famous college stress levels.

1. Keeping all those textbooks organized:
Being in college, you automatically have a mini library between your textbooks, binders and required readings. Keeping these organized will help you out tremendously when you’re packing your bag for an all nighter at the library, and will also help you keep track of all of your books, so that you end the year with as many books as you started with.
--my choice for organizing books: magazine holders – 6 files for $13 on Amazon


2.  Make sure to stock up on pencils, lead, erasers, highlighters and a variety of different colored pens. This is a pretty obvious buy as a college student, however no matter how many you buy at the beginning of the semester, they always seem to disappear quickly. With all of these utentils, keeping them organized is essential.
--my choice for organizing writing utensils: coffee mugs. Any old coffee mugs will do, this is an extremely cheap way of keeping all of your utensils in one place for easy access when needed.

3. Keep a file for homework that is in progress and homework that is finished and ready to turn in, as well as a file for returned homework. This is an extremely helpful way to remain organized, especially when you have a heavy course load. Simple folders work well for this!

4. Keep post it notes on hand! Whenever you have a new assignment write it down on the sticky note with the due date and stick it on your desk. This will help you to manage your assignments and will also remind you about them everytime you sit down or walk past your desk!

I hope this tips helped and I wish you an organized and smooth school year (;

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