Saturday, October 18, 2014

Santa Barbara vs. Isla Vista

For all of you future Vaqueros: You probably have been faced with, or will face the decision of whether to live in Santa Barbara or Isla Vista. Now in my opinion, there are many things to take into consideration.

Are you the kind of person who likes to go home at night after a long day at school and relax, or would you rather go out and socialize to re-charge? If you would rather have quiet, relaxing week nights, I would definitely suggest living in Santa Barbara. Most nights, aside from the weekends are pretty chill and relaxed. However, if you love the social scene and re-charge your day by hanging out with crowds and meeting new people, I would say Isla Vista would be a better match for you. There is always something going on up there.

Are you good at managing your time? The reason I ask this is because Isla Vista is about 15-20 minutes from City College. If you are the type of person that roles out of bed 10 minutes before class, it is probably in your best interest to live in Santa Barbara. I know if I had an 8:00 a.m. class and lived in IV, I would never have the motivation to actually go to that class. So choose wisely because you are ultimately here to attend class.

And another thing that you need to realize: Even if you don't come to Santa Barbara a partier, that will most likely change once you get here. Santa Barbara and Isla Vista are filled with people who love to have a good
time. Coming into this school year, the last thing I though about was partying or "going out," but once you head over to IV or even attend a party on the mesa in Santa Barbara your views will quickly change. No, its not about going out and drinking. It's about socializing and meeting all kinds of new people. You DO NOT have to drink to have a good time. Just remember that.

Goodluck on your housing adventures. Whatever you decide will be an awesome choice :)
Isla Vista
Santa Barbara

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