Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Take a Break

I have been running myself ragged trying to keep up with school work lately. I have been depriving myself of sleep trying to get all of my studying done. I feel like I haven't taken a break from studying, besides going to class, in the last two weeks. It has really started to catch up to me. So today I decided to take a break and spend sometime doing something for myself. This included a -not rushed-  shower, and laying in my bed for an hour or so watching netflix and paying attention to my phone. All things that I have not been able to enjoy in the last couple of weeks. Anyways, during my break I came across a very great link on twitter titled "Take a Break". I'm going to share with you a few of the "break ideas" stated in this post. I'm taking time to highlight the importance of taking breaks and allowing time for yourself to regroup because his link couldn't have come across my newsfeed at a more perfect time for myself, and I know I'm not the only one who is feeling overwhelmingly stressed at this point in the semester.

  1. Listen to music-dance
  2. Take a bath
  3. Read a book of your choice
  4. Go to the beach
  5. Rest-lay in bed-take a nap
  6. Create your own coffee break
  7. Call a friend
  8. Write in a journal
  9. Watch something funny
  10. Take a drive (This is what I do when I'm stressed; I take a drive and blast some music!)
These are just ten of the things that really stood out to me in the twitter link--

I really do believe that taking a break helps in so many ways. First of all you give your brain time to rest and reset. Studies show that taking a break from school work actually helps your brain to further process the information that you're trying to take in. You'd be surprised at how much better you know the information after you have taken a break. Breaks also help you to 'destress' for a bit, you aren't so focused on all of the things you need to get done, you are solely focused on resting and well, taking a break! I definitely recommend taking a break once a day if you are extremely overwhelmed with school and homework. It really helped me today when I was on the verge of a mini melt down! 

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