Sunday, March 15, 2015

Take a Step Back

Lately I've been hearing a lot of negativity and frustration around campus and around Isla Vista. I'm guessing this is due to the fact that we are in the midst of midterms and school is becoming a bit overbearing, as it does at this point in every semester. I know the struggle is real to keep the healthy balance between class, work, homework and friends aligned. But you can do it-push through! It's almost spring break and then when we get back we only have a few weeks left until summer! 

Here are a few things to keep in mind, now and later:
  1. There's a reason schools teach Shakespeare instead of John Green; you make your own life, it's not written in the stars, you can't wait until you find the 'perfect' time to begin to embark on a journey, because that 'perfect' time may never come.
  2. People are a lot smarter than you think. Take a step back and be the 'listener'-you never know, you might just learn something from someone whim you never expected too.
  3. Getting close to people and becoming vulnerable is scary yes, but you know what else it is? Worth it.
  4. The moment you feel your happiness being dictated by another person, take a break from them.
  5. Feeling alone? Take a step back and look around. You have more people that are there for you than you think.
  6. Growing up is going to happen and it is sure going to be tough. Just stay close to those around you, everyone in college is at the same point as you. We're all in this together!
  7. Everything seems worse at night. Don't fall for it, it's deceiving. Just close your eyes and fall asleep, you'll feel better in the morning.
  8. Stop avoiding things that need to be done. Get out of bed, get dressed, go to class, do your homework. You'll save yourself a lot of stress if you avoid procrastinating.
  9. Headphones are great, but sometime you need to blast that song and sing aloud to it-it will relieve stress and help keep you motivated.
  10. Boundaries are a must-dont let people walk all over you. No one deserves that.
  11. You need to be happy with yourself before you try to make other happy.
  12. Try and understand other's situations before you get judge them or get angry with them. Everyone's fighting there own battle, you don't know whats going on in their life at that time.
  13. Tough love is necessary sometimes and that's okay.
  14. You cannot fix people no matter how hard you try...
  15. Surround yourself with people who love and support you; this is a set up for life satisfactory.
  16. Listen to your parents advice. They have been in our very shoes, they've already attended this rodeo.
  17. Be open to new things, you never know what path they might lead you on next. A closed book is never fun to read. 
  18. "Some seasons of your life are harder than others. This too shall pass." -unknown

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